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How to Interpret Your Score

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Adrenalogic: Outsmarting Stress


If you scored less than 10 then you are currently in the “CAUTION ZONE

You appear to be developing early imbalances in your stress hormones which may also be contributing to sex hormone imbalances. The hormones typically affected are cortisol, testosterone, DHEA, and thyroid hormone. Some of the things your body interprets as stress are actually under your control.  These include things like what you eat, how you sleep, whether or not you smoke or drink alcohol, and how often and what type of exercise you engage in.  This means you can take proactive steps to make improvements in these areas.


Make it a priority to engage in moderate exercise at least four times a week, eat a healthy diet, limit alcohol consumption, and stop smoking. Get at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night and engage in the regular practice of stress reduction techniques according to your personality type and lifestyle.  Make changes now to avoid annoying symptoms and future health problems.

If you are exposed to stress in your job, relationships, or other aspects of your life, you should consider adding AdrenaMen to your current treatment regimen to prevent any stress related health issues.  You can learn more about AdrenaMen HERE.


If you scored 10 to 19 then you are currently in the “ALERT ZONE”.
You are an Excellent Candidate for AdrenaMen 

Your results indicate that you likely have a combination of moderate sex and stress hormone imbalances that are currently affecting your health and may cause future health problems if not aggressively corrected NOW. The major hormones typically affected by stress include cortisol, testosterone, DHEA, and thyroid hormone. 

Some of the things your body interprets as stress are actually under your control.  These include things like what you eat, how you sleep, whether or not you smoke or drink alcohol, and how often and what type of exercise you engage in.  This means you can take proactive steps to make improvements in these areas.

Some factors the body counts as ‘stressors’ cannot be controlled.  These include things like your age, your gender, and your personality characteristics.  However, they still have a significant impact on your cortisol production and how stress affects your health.  What you may not know is that men are more vulnerable to the negative effects of acute stress and suffer from more stress related heart disease, stroke, and diabetes than women.  This becomes even more pronounced with age. 


You still have time to make changes to reverse your hormone imbalances to preserve your health.  To whatever extent your lifestyle choices are contributing, make it a priority to begin making positive changes. Engage in moderate exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, stop smoking, and limit alcohol consumption.

Get at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night and regularly practice stress reduction techniques according to your personality type and lifestyle.  

Make sure you see your healthcare practitioner annually and undergo the appropriate testing to make sure your current symptoms are not related to a more serious underlying health issue.  If your testosterone and other sex hormone levels are low, DO NOT START HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY until a proper and thorough work up of all of your hormones has been done.  In any situation other than age related declines in hormones (known as andropause), TESTOSTERONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY MAY ACTUALLY MAKE YOU FEEL WORSE! If you are already on some type of hormone replacement therapy, you may not need it, it may be too much, and your testosterone may be converting into estrogen.  

You are an excellent candidate for AdrenaMen.  You can begin by taking one capsule twice daily to your current supplement regimen.  You will not need to continue any 'stress' or 'adrenal' supplements once you start taking AdrenaMen.  AdrenaMen helps boost testosterone levels naturally, prevents testosterone conversion into estrogen, and keeps cortisol levels in check so your own testosterone is more effective.

Additional information about AdrenaMen and the recommended dosing guidelines can be found HERE.


If you scored 20 to 29 then you are currently in the “DANGER ZONE”.
Add AdrenaMen to Your Treatment Regimen Now.

Your results indicate that you likely have a combination of moderate to severe sex and stress hormone imbalances that are currently affecting your health and may cause future health problems if not aggressively corrected NOW. The major hormones typically affected by stress include cortisol, testosterone, DHEA, and thyroid hormone. 

Some of the things your body interprets as stress are actually under your control.  These include things like what you eat, how you sleep, whether or not you smoke or drink alcohol, and how often and what type of exercise you engage in.  This means you can take proactive steps to make improvements in these areas. Some factors the body counts as ‘stressors’ cannot be controlled.  These include things like your age, your gender, and your personality characteristics.  However, they still have a significant impact on your cortisol production and how stress affects your health.  What you may not know is that men are more vulnerable to the negative effects of acute stress and suffer from more stress related heart disease, stroke, and diabetes than women.  This becomes even more pronounced with age. 

Because cortisol is your primary ‘fight or flight’ hormone, imbalances in this hormone will impair any bodily process that is not considered essential for survival…this includes reproduction.  This means that when cortisol levels are out of whack, your reproductive hormones, mainly testosterone, will not be produced correctly.  This is a major reason why men who experience chronic stress have low testosterone levels.  Even if your testosterone IS being produced, it will not be as effective.  Testosterone replacement is a BAD IDEA for men in this situation, because the problem is not that your testes don't work.  The problem is that your body is directing its essentially resources to things besides making.  In addition, testosterone replacement can negatively affect proper cortisol release, and this will probably make you feel even worse! Ironically, even if your cortisol level is low, it is still typically higher than the other hormones which balance it (such as DHEA and testosterone).  This creates hormonal chaos, tissue breakdown, DNA damage, and even premature death…even if some or all of your laboratory values are “in the normal range”.  Because cortisol levels affect your testosterone levels and vice versa, issues with one hormone will automatically cause issues in the other.  Also, because cortisol, testosterone, and DHEA also affect thyroid hormone, you may experience numerous symptoms of a sluggish thyroid gland even if your thyroid labs are normal.


You must act quickly to make the necessary changes to reverse your hormone imbalances and preserve your health.  To whatever extent your lifestyle choices are contributing, make it a priority to begin instituting gradual,  positive changes. Engage in moderate exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, stop smoking, and limit alcohol consumption. Get at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night and regularly practice stress reduction techniques according to your personality type and lifestyle.  

Make sure you see your healthcare practitioner annually and undergo the appropriate testing to make sure your current symptoms are not related to a more serious underlying health issue.  If your testosterone and other sex hormone levels are low, DO NOT START HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY until a proper and thorough work up of all of your hormones has been done.  In any situation other than age related declines in hormones (known as andropause), TESTOSTERONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY MAY ACTUALLY MAKE YOU FEEL WORSE! If you are already on some type of hormone replacement therapy, you may not need it, it may be too much, and your testosterone may be converting into estrogen.  If you're in andropause (age related declines in testosterone), then you will probably need testosterone replacement.

Add AdrenaMen to your treatment regiment to help maintain and sustain balance of your sex hormones and stress hormones. You can begin by taking one capsule twice daily to your current supplement regimen.  You will not need to continue any 'stress' or 'adrenal' supplements once you start taking AdrenaMen.

If you are already on hormone replacement therapy, adding AdrenaMen will help reduce testosterone conversion into estrogen and may allow you to reduce your dose of testosterone thereby reducing potential side effects.

Additional information about AdrenaMen and the recommended dosing guidelines can be found HERE.

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