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Are You Having Menopause Symptoms?

Women don’t go through menopause…it’s their permanent hormonal destiny.

51 million American women are in menopause, and 2 million more enter menopause each year.

Have you been trying to remedy Your Menopause symptoms and not seeing the results you'd hoped for?

Maybe the pills you are taking aren't getting the outcome like you thought they would... or worse yet, they are getting  WORSE?

Putting together a compelling approach that works can be challenging!

Fix some of your symptoms with my FREE webinar download!

t's an amazingly simple explanation that you can use to grade your current symptoms, identify why they start and how to fix them.

Download Your FREE Female Hormones Webinar!

Enter your info below and get instant access...

Happy Woman

A hundred years ago, menopause didn’t matter because women often died before or shortly after entering menopause. Now, women’s average life expectancy is 88 years which means they’ll spend approximately one-third of their lives (around 30 years) in menopause.


Why does it matter? Shouldn’t a woman who’s lived through approximately 456 periods be able to handle a few hot flashes and some vaginal dryness? There’s more to the story…

Many people don’t realize menopause can cause problems much more dangerous than annoying physical symptoms…


…It can cause permanent diseases which rob a woman of more than just her sleep, sex drive, and sanity...and rob her of her life.


Here are some facts:

· Heart disease is the number one killer of women. The American Heart Association acknowledges the loss of natural estrogen as women age can contribute to the higher risk of heart disease after menopause.


· Two-thirds of patients with Alzheimer’s disease are women, many of whom are in menopause on no HRT.


· Research has shown the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and diabetes increases with menopause, and the Mayo Clinic states, “Menopause can wreak havoc on your diabetes control.”


These and other health consequences also carry a hefty price tag. Numerous studies have confirmed the socioeconomic costs of menopause dwarf the cost of proactively treating it.

It's simple...Get Your FREE Webinar. Here's what it helps with:

Understanding the importance of female sex hormones:

  • Estrogen
  • Progesterone
  • DHEA
  • Testosterone

Benefits to you and your health:

  • Balancing your hormones

  • Maintaining bone health

  • Optimizing weight

  • Reducing inflammation

  • Improving sensitivity and blood sugar regulation

  • Reducing cholesterol

  • Sleep better

  • Have more energy

  • Eliminate brain fog


In conclusion:

It teaches you how your lifestyle affects your hormones. 


  • Got stress?

  • How much alcohol do you drink?

  • Are you still smoking?

  • What did you have to eat today?

These things and more can affect how your body produces hormones and how those hormones will work in the body.  

Download Your FREE Female Hormones Webinar!

Enter your info below and get instant access...

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AdrenaFem has a proven record of significantly reducing

menopause symptoms

Offering protection when it matters the most

Contact Information
phone: 561.902-3062


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  • Stress Supplements
  • Adrenalogix
  • Menopause
  • Cortisol
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