"I am very happy with the AdrenaFem supplement. My moods are stable and I feel great. I know it's the AdrenaFem, because I stopped all other supplements when I started the AdrenaFem and within 2 weeks I could feel a difference. I will continue to use the AdrenaFem as my main supplement. For reference, I just turned 50. I'm not quite in full menopause, still peri-menopause." B. Cozens

Making a difference
"I’m 63 and was feeling 83. I’m beginning to feel so much better. My mind is becoming clearer, my sleep hours are less interrupted, I have more stamina, and I’m handling stressful situations much easier. That’s just within a couple of weeks! As long as this is available, I will never go without." V. Marsh

" I’ve I found myself becoming anxious over things that had never bothered me before! Since I’ve been on Adrenafem I’m calmer, more focused & not having the anxiety I was having before, along with just feeling better all over! to feel so much better." J.Fite

Manage Menopause with Just ONE Supplement
Menopause can be miserable. The hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, and mood changes can devastate every aspect of a woman’s life.
But now, women can control their symptoms with one safe, effective solution.
AdrenaFem is the only all-natural supplement on the market specifically designed to support menopausal symptoms, especially in times of chronic stress.
*First time buyers only
Imbalances in the stress hormone cortisol can cause widespread imbalances to all other hormones, especially estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone.
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Weight gain
Chronic pain syndromes
Chronic insomnia
Early menopause
Worsening PMS
Memory problems
Heart disease
Weakened immune system function
The scientific studies have also shown the ingredients in AdrenaFem to protect and support
Immune system health
Body weight
Heart health
Brain health
Thyroid health
Stamina & endurance
Stress tolerance
...and much more.