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How to Interpret Your Score

Thank you for taking the quiz. 

Your results will be e-mailed to you in less than 5 minutes.

Now you have more information to make the right decisions to stay healthy.

After you've read the interpretation of your score, make sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page and download Dr. Edwards FREE book chapter from her

best selling book, Adrenalogic: Outsmarting Stress.

I.  If you scored less than 10 then you are currently in the CAUTION ZONE I
Your results indicate early stress and sex hormone imbalances.  Depending on other factors, your sex hormone imbalance may be coming from your cortisol imbalances. 


Make it a priority to engage in moderate exercise, eat a healthy diet, keep alcohol consumption to a minimum, and stop smoking.  Make sure you are getting at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.  Engage in the regular practice of stress reduction techniques according to your personality type and lifestyle.  Make changes now to avoid the development or worsening of current symptoms and to avoid future health problems.


II.  If you scored 10 to 19 then you are currently in the ALERT ZONE. 

Your results indicate moderate hormone imbalances affecting both your sex hormones (i.e. estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone) and your stress hormone cortisol.  Without intervention, you are likely to continue having symptoms and are at risk for developing future stress and sex hormone related health issues.


Make it a priority to engage in moderate exercise, limit drinking, and stop smoking  Make it a priority to get at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.  Engage in the regular practice of stress reduction techniques according to your personality and lifestyle. 

If you are not menopausal, DO NOT begin hormone replacement therapy because it will likely have no effect on your symptoms or could actually make you feel worse. Once your lab testing reveals you do not have a more serious medical disorder.

You are an excellent candidate for AdrenaFem.

 Begin AdrenaFem one capsule once or twice daily according to the dosing guidelines available on our website.  

Additional information about AdrenaFem and the recommended dosing guidelines can be found HERE.


If you scored 20 to 29 then you are currently in the DANGER ZONE

Your results indicate moderate hormone imbalances likely affecting both your sex hormones (i.e. estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone) and your cortisol.  Without intervention, you are likely to continue having symptoms and are at risk for developing future stress and sex hormone related health issues.



Make it a priority to engage in moderate exercise, eat a healthy diet, limit drinking, and stop smoking  Make it a priority to get at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.  Engage in the regular practice of stress reduction techniques according to your personality and lifestyle. 

See your doctor to make sure you do not have any serious underlying health issues which are contributing to your symptoms.  If you are not in menopause, DO NOT begin hormone replacement therapy because it will likely have no effect on your symptoms or could actually make you feel worse. 

You should strongly consider adding AdrenaFem to your
current treatment regimen.

Begin taking AdrenaFem, one capsule once or twice daily as directed by the dosing guidelines found on the website.  You should stop any other stress or adrenal supplements you are taking. If you are already on some type of hormone replacement, a dose adjustment down will likely be necessary.

Additional information about AdrenaFem and the recommended dosing guidelines can be found HERE.

Your results have been emailed to you!


We can send you periodic emails with tips on how to reduce stress and any signs of menopause or perimenopause naturally.

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