Stress...We all have it, don’t we? ... we respond to our stress can make all the difference in the degree and duration of our natural stress response. There are many to deal with stress... But, believe it or not, one of them includes what you eat and drink on a daily basis In fact, what and when you eat can have a significant impact on your cortisol release patterns. These are just some examples of how your diet can help you better manage your stress.
1. Coldwater Fish
Coldwater fish, like Salmon, Sardines, and anchovies, are all well known for their high concentration of the omega 3 fats, EPA & DHA, did you know that scientific studies have shown that omega 3 found in coldwater actually lower Lower cortisol levels mean that all other hormones to work better The recommended intake of coldwater fish needed to help balance cortisol levels least 5 ounces of cold water fish at least twice a week.
2. Eggs In addition to being an excellent source of protein, eggs also contain which the body uses to make brain neurotransmitters. This helps to improve focus and motivation, both of which are essential when you are faced with high levels of stress In addition, eggs are rich in antioxidants inflammation and improve blood sugar balance and insulin release. The anti-oxidant effects also help to balance cortisol levels.
3. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are very rich in magnesium— one of the best anti-stress nutrients—but they also have been found to manage blood sugar levels which indirectly reduces abnormal increases in cortisol Other well researched nutrient-rich seeds to consider eating which help not only in balancing cortisol but also in regulating other hormones are: 1) are chia seeds (rich with magnesium), 2) sesame seeds (helps to metabolize the estrogen); and 3) fenugreek (which regulates blood sugar by boosting testosterone and mimicking insulin in the body).
4. Papaya and Citrus Fruits
Citrus including, grapefruits, oranges, lemons, and limes, and papaya are loaded with vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid). The adrenal glands contain the highest concentrations of Vitamin C in the body. During periods of stress, the adrenal glands quickly use up the Vitamin C stores to aid in their production of cortisol Increasing your consumption of citrus fruits, especially during periods of illness and stress, can give your body, and your adrenals, the ammunition needed to protect against cortisol imbalances.
5. Beans
Beans, and white beans are an excellent source of an amino acid called phosphatidylserine.
This handy little nutrient has been shown to reduce cortisol levels, especially during periods of high stress. By lowering cortisol levels, it also helps to maintain the levels and actions of other hormones, including insulin, estrogen, and testosterone. Other foods in Phosphatidylserine are tuna, mackerel, chicken heart, herring, and soy.
These are only a few examples of how what you eat can ‘make it or break it’ when it comes to managing stress and cortisol levels. In might also interest you to know that fast foods, Trans fats, alcohol, and sugar all raise cortisol...which is a BAD thing. Moral of the story? Think twice before you eat that french fry!